Testni About 2

ConsultingWP originated in 1985 with five principals dedicated to integrity and excellence in economic and financial consulting.

Through gaining experience in various economic periods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities whether we are in good times or bad times. Good times provide growth in our portfolio and bad times, despite the potential negative effects, can provide opportunities.

We see ourselves as a forward looking group of passionate property professionals with the relevant experience to match.


Why choose us

Travel and Aviation

Consultants ranked firms on a scale of one to 10, based on prestige, firm culture, work-life balance, compensation, and other factors.

Financial Services

We are a dynamic niche consulting firm that has been helping visionary financial services brands convey their true essence.

Business Services

We have had to start competing on quality of life in a way that they never had to before — leading to higher ratings from consultants.

Energy and Environment

Engage with consumers and inspire the media — we ensure brands are seen and heard in all the right places.

Consumer Products

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

Surface Transport
& Logistics Consulting

The ConsultingWP firm scored highest for vacation policy, hours in the office, and overall satisfaction.

Centralno skladište

U prosincu 2020. godine završena je izgradnja našeg novog Centralnog skladišta u Knešpolju, koje je jedno od najvećih i najsuvremenijih skladišta u Hercegovini.  Radi se o gotovo 11.000 četvornih metara skladišnog prostora i 14500 paletnih mjesta, a opremljeno je suvremenom tehnologijom računalnog sustava VMS.


Skladištenje i upravljanje skladištima je važna komponenta cijelog distributivnog lanca. Proces pripreme artikala i izlaz istih nije jednostavan, posebno ako se poslovanje odvija na više lokacija. U tu svrhu provedena je modernizacija skladišnog poslovanja uvođenjem računalnog VMS sustava upravljanja skladištem.

Na taj način se pojednostavljuje praćenje kretanja robe te pohrana robe, smanjuju se troškovi rada, omogućava povećanje skladišnih kapaciteta, veća točnost isporuke i evidencija stanja zaliha, a minimaliziraju se greške nastale od strane zaposlenika


Izgradnjom ovog suvremenog skladišta Ataco je dosegao visok europski stupanj organizacije i poslovanja.


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